Incubation Accélération

Description de l’activité en anglais
AI4R offers a very high performance system in real time digital autoradiography. Thanks to its intrument range, the BeaQuant and the BeaQuant-s, all the range of radioisotope is available to realize a very nice picture of the labelling. From 4 to 18 microscope slide, from mice to rat whole body autoradiography, the very high verstility and the spatial resolution of 20µm allows a perfect image reconstruction of any kind of radioactive samples. Moreover, with the radioactive counting mode, the quantification is directly accesible transforming the picture in a direct representation of the quantification. The very high sensitivity reduces drastically the exposure time (up to 100 times fold) and increases the power of seeing very weak labelling.

Creation date15/06/2012
2 Rue Alfred Kastler 44307 Nantes Cedex 3