SOFRADI, SOciété FRAnçaise D’Isolation, has been developing in the insulation market since 1977.

The company stands out for its diversity of expertise and technical know-how that makes its reknow thanks to its mastery of studies and design, workshop production, and on-site assembly for companies in all sectors : agri-food, industry, maritime, construction, services, and commerce.

SOFRADI relies on a collective of 250 women and men to develop new products and diversify its activities at the pace of technological and environmental changes.

SOFRADI structures its organization into 5 Activities to better meet the ambitions of its clients :
• Industrial cold insulation (sandwich panels),
• Facades and aluminum windows,
• Industrial insulation (thermal and acoustic),
• Interior space planning,
• Maintenance and service.

Creation date01/01/1977
14 Avenue Descartes 44119 Treillieres