
Our Support Offers
to Take You from Innovative Project to Business Creation

The Programme in brief

Looking for support in starting your business? Atlanpole’s incubation programme is for you! It will help you turn your innovative project into reality, moving from concept to business more quickly.

How? With individual coaching, mentoring, workshops, and more… You’ll find a solution tailored to your needs among our support offers.

The incubation programme can last up to 3 years and provides access to the most relevant expertise for your business, including intellectual property, market analysis, legal studies, financial planning, and marketing.

The offers outlined below are for project leaders aiming to start their business in Loire-Atlantique or Vendée. For other departments in the Pays de la Loire region, please contact the relevant technopoles: Angers Technopole, Laval Mayenne Technopole et Le Mans Innovation.

Who Is It For?

Anyone looking to develop their innovative project through the creation of a business:

There is no specific profile: our incubator supports both new, novice entrepreneurs and established startups needing assistance with their launch.

Quality of Support
Strength of Networks
HR Matching
Access to Funding
The benefits
Quality of Support

No Entrepreneurial Journey Is the Same. That’s why the support offered by Atlanpole is based on the principle of personalisation. Unlike other organisations, this regional incubator provides a wide range of offers and commits to a significant support period, which can last up to 5 years!

Numerous labels attest to the professionalism and quality of the coaching provided by the  Atlanpole team and the teams of our partner technopoles.


Strength of Networks

As the Innovation Hub of the Greater West, Atlanpole is at the heart of a vast ecosystem that integrates innovative companies, economic and academic stakeholders. Being supported by Atlanpole means gaining access to this multidisciplinary network which can lead to new business opportunities and direct you to partner organisations that align with your project and entrepreneurial goals.


HR Matching

Recognising that human resources, a key factor in success, often remain a weak point in startups, Atlanpole offers the "Deeptech Matching" programme to its supported project leaders. This programme connects project leaders with strategic profiles to build a strong team and/or provides advice on recruitment for startups.


Access to Funding

The Challenge for Every Entrepreneur! Grants, scholarships, repayable advances, tax credits, honorary loans, fundraising… It can be difficult to navigate all the funding sources and determine which are suitable for an innovation project. Atlanpole guides entrepreneurs with its expertise in financial engineering.

The approach of the programme
Let’s discuss your innovative project together

Get in touch with our team to introduce yourselves and discuss your innovative project.

This will help us determine if your project meets the criteria to benefit from one of Atlanpole’s support programmes!

Your expectations, your challenges

Have a more in-depth discussion to analyze all the contours of your project, collect your expectations
and thus guide you towards the support offer best suited to your needs and aspirations.

Towards the success of your project

Apply! To benefit from a support offer, there is always a selection stage to franchise.
If you succeed, you will join our incubator and benefit from all the associated benefits (coaching, workshops, meetings, etc.).
If you fail, don't panic. We can direct you to other key contacts within the Atlanpole ecosystem to get your project off the ground.

Support for up to 5 years

Thanks to our support, your project will take great steps forward and the pre-incubation stage will quickly be behind you.
Other paths may then be available to you, with offers specific to your evolving needs.


With a support period of up to 5 years, you will be able to continue your entrepreneurial adventure with Atlanpole during the acceleration phase!

The offers related to the programme
Individual Coaching "Incubation"

One-to-one support from an Atlanpole advisor to guide you through all the key stages of starting a business.

ESA-BIC Nord France Incubation

A tailored programme, dedicated funding, and technical and scientific support from CNES and other partners for space projects OR projects relying on technologies that can be applied to this field.

The team of coaches
Grégory BAUER Conseiller développement et innovation – Sciences de la vie Accompagnement
Florent RIOUT Conseiller développement et innovation - Sciences de l'ingénieur Accompagnement
Eric VOINSON KERGROHENNE Conseiller développement et innovation - Sciences de l'ingénieur Accompagnement
Emmanuelle CAZET Conseillère RH - Constitution d'équipes - Parcours #deeptechmatching Accompagnement
Nina CAM Chargée de mission innovation – Spécialité numérique Angers Technopole

Tailored Support for Every Innovative Project

Atlanpole offers support for all key stages of an innovative project, regardless of its maturity or sector.

The incubator provides various programmes tailored to both new and experienced entrepreneurs, who want to:

Researchers, entrepreneurs or SME leaders based in the Pays de la Loire region: take advantage of Atlanpole’s support and/or that of its partner technopoles (Angers Technopole, Laval Mayenne Technopole, Le Mans Innovation).