Privacy Policy


In the context of this privacy policy, the terms below in singular or plural beginning with a capital letter shall have the following definition:

Data: Personal data, i.e. any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person, directly or indirectly, by reference to an identifier such as a name, identification number, IP address, photograph, professional background, etc.

Data Controller: The Syndicat Mixte Atlanpole as defined below, which solely determines the purposes and means of the Processing.

Site: The website for which the Syndicat Mixte Atlanpole is the publisher:,

Processing: Operation or set of operations carried out or not using automated processes, applied to Data, such as collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation or modification, extraction, consultation, use, communication by transmission, dissemination or any other form of provision, reconciliation or interconnection, limitation, erasure or destruction.


The Syndicat Mixte Atlanpole is committed to contributing to the protection of your Data by implementing a transparent privacy and security policy for your Data.

It undertakes to ensure that the collection and processing of personal data are carried out in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council of 27 April 2016 on the Protection of Individuals with regard to the Processing of Personal Data and on the Free Movement of such Data (GDPR) and all applicable French regulations in this matter, particularly Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to Information Technology, Files and Freedoms, as amended.

This policy aims to inform you about the Processing carried out by the Syndicat Mixte Atlanpole, as well as the technical and organisational measures they put in place to protect your Data and your rights.



The Data Controller for your Data on the Site is the Syndicat Mixte Atlanpole, whose registered office is located at Château de la Chantrerie, 95 route de Gachet BP 90702 – 44300 Nantes.

Data Protection Officer (DPO):

  • Château de la Chantrerie, 95 route de Gachet, 44300 Nantes



The Syndicat Mixte Atlanpole may collect Data from its clients and members, partners, incubated companies, professional contacts necessary to fulfil the missions of the Syndicat Mixte Atlanpole, job offers, and users of the Site.

Only the Data necessary for the purposes intended by the relevant Processing are subject to Processing.

Some Data may be transmitted to third parties or undergo specific processing as part of a legal, contractual obligation, or necessary for the performance of a public interest mission, or falling within the exercise of public authority.

Some Data is collected directly from you, others indirectly, and others automatically.

a) Data collected directly from you

Consent to the Processing of your Data is collected directly and explicitly from you. You may exercise your rights at any time as described in Article 9 below.

By using the Site or subscribing to the services of the Syndicat Mixte Atlanpole, you may be required to provide certain Data as specified in the table below:

For Clients / Members

  • your identity: name, first name, age
  • your contact details: email address, phone numbers, social media identifiers (X, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.)
  • role / position
  • your professional background: role/position, level of education, title
  • your image
  • billing data: payment methods and history, transaction data, invoices via the Payline service. For more information, see Payline's privacy policy:
  • commercial data (e.g., data necessary for loyalty actions, prospecting, satisfaction surveys, statistics, and promotions, promotional operations)

For Partners:

  • your identity: name, first name
  • your contact details: email address, phone numbers, social media identifiers (X, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.)
  • role/position
  • your image

For Professional Contacts:

  • your identity: name, first name
  • your contact details: email address, phone numbers, social media identifiers (X, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.)
  • role/position

For Users of the Site:

  • your identity: name, first name
  • your contact details: email address, phone numbers, social media identifiers (Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.)

Your Data is subject to Processing particularly when:

  • You navigate on the Sites, namely,;
  • You fill in registration forms for events that the Syndicat Mixte Atlanpole organises or co-organises with partners;
  • You agree to receive newsletters, emails, etc., from the Syndicat Mixte Atlanpole;
  • You hand over your business cards during meetings, appointments, networking events, trade shows, or other events;
  • You subscribe to one of the offers from the Syndicat Mixte Atlanpole;
  • The Syndicat Mixte Atlanpole sets up and executes service contracts (clients and suppliers);
  • You contact the Syndicat Mixte Atlanpole by phone, email, or any other means of communication;
  • You report a problem relating to the Site or the services of the Syndicat Mixte Atlanpole;
  • You exercise your rights as described in Article 9.

b) Data collected indirectly

Some Data may be transmitted to the Syndicat Mixte Atlanpole directly by your employer or through public sources. The Syndicat Mixte Atlanpole undertakes to comply with the provisions of Article 14 of the GDPR concerning indirect collection.

c) Data collected automatically

The Syndicat Mixte Atlanpole may automatically collect Data relating to your connection for any user of the Site. In particular:

  • IP address
  • Traffic data, type logs



The Syndicat Mixte Atlanpole uses the Data transmitted to it in accordance with the regulations concerning the protection of personal data (Article 6 of the GDPR).

The Syndicat Mixte Atlanpole collects and uses your personal data in accordance with its public interest mission (legitimate interests) in the context of economic development in the Pays de la Loire region through innovation; in certain cases, the missions are executed within the framework of a contract, such as the membership contract or the partnership contract.

Finally, some Processing is based on prior consent when the Data is provided by the individual concerned on the Site.

Thus, the Processing of your Data is necessary for the Syndicat Mixte Atlanpole to:

  • Carry out operations related to customer relationship management;
  • Execute contracts and services concluded with the Syndicat Mixte Atlanpole;
  • Manage suppliers and subcontractors;
  • Send monthly newsletters;
  • Send invitations to events organised by the Syndicat Mixte Atlanpole;
  • Send service offers or calls for tenders, consultations;
  • Feature in the Syndicat Mixte Atlanpole's online directory;
  • Optimise your navigation on the Site;
  • Respond to your information requests and provide you with advice;
  • Post a job offer with the Syndicat Mixte Atlanpole;
  • Minimise identified risks for the Data;
  • Protect against potential fraudulent actions;
  • Evaluate the activity of the Syndicat Mixte Atlanpole.



The Data collected on the Site is intended for the Syndicat Mixte Atlanpole. It may be transmitted to subcontracting companies that they may call upon in the context of executing services and to the extent necessary to fulfil the tasks assigned to them.

The Syndicat Mixte Atlanpole ensures that its staff and subcontractors comply with the regulations in force regarding personal data as well as this privacy policy. The Syndicat Mixte Atlanpole requires its subcontractors and staff to pay special attention to the confidentiality and security of the Data.

The Syndicat Mixte Atlanpole may also transfer Data to ministries and public funders.

Third parties may exceptionally have access to your Data, including administrative and judicial authorities. Unless legally prohibited, the Syndicat Mixte Atlanpole will inform you as soon as possible.

Thus, unless prior order or agreement from you or a legal or contractual obligation incumbent upon the Syndicat Mixte Atlanpole, it never transmits your Data to third parties.



In principle, Data is retained for 3 years from the last contact between the individual concerned and the Syndicat Mixte Atlanpole.

In the context of a contract, Data is retained for the entire duration of the contract.

Given legal/contractual obligations towards ministries or public funders, the Syndicat Mixte Atlanpole may retain Data for 15 years from the date of collection or from the end of the contract concluded with the Syndicat Mixte Atlanpole.

However, data collected via cookies is retained for a maximum duration of 13 months from the date of collection.

Additionally, the Syndicat Mixte Atlanpole has implemented automatic deletion of data collected on the website, according to the source of collection and for the durations defined as follows:

Source of Data Collection

Duration of Data Retention

Submission of a Job Offer

6 month

Application File "Factory", "Azimut"

6 month

Registration for an Event

6 month

Contact Form

1 year

Newsletter Subscription

1 year

Membership Form

1 year




The Atlanpole Mixed Syndicate is attentive to the importance of your Data and makes every effort to keep it secure.

The Atlanpole Mixed Syndicate places the utmost importance on the security and integrity of the Data subject to Processing on the Site. Thus, the Atlanpole Mixed Syndicate aims to always retain your Data in the most secure manner and only for as long as necessary to achieve the purpose pursued by the Processing.

In accordance with applicable regulations regarding personal data, the Atlanpole Mixed Syndicate commits to implementing appropriate technical and organizational measures both at the time of determining the means of Processing and during the Processing itself to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk.

The Atlanpole Mixed Syndicate establishes means to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, availability, and constant resilience of the systems and services involved in Processing.

In the event of a technical or physical incident related to the Data, the Atlanpole Mixed Syndicate will make every effort to restore the availability and access to the Data within appropriate time frames.

The Atlanpole Mixed Syndicate regularly tests its processes in the event of both technical and physical incidents to guarantee and maintain an optimal level of responsiveness and effectiveness.

However, given the structure of the Internet and networks, the Atlanpole Mixed Syndicate cannot commit to an obligation of security with a guaranteed result. In the event of a detected security breach that may pose a high risk to your rights and freedoms, the Atlanpole Mixed Syndicate commits to informing you as soon as possible and, to the best of its ability, taking the necessary measures to neutralize the intrusion and minimize its impacts.

Your data is hosted on secure servers. The Atlanpole Mixed Syndicate does not transfer any data outside the European Union.


In accordance with applicable regulations regarding the protection of personal data, you may, at any time, exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion of the Data concerning you, as well as your rights to limit and oppose Processing and to the portability of your Data.

You can exercise your rights by sending a message:

By mail to the following address: Atlanpole, Château de la Chantrerie – BP 90702 44307 NANTES CEDEX 3
By email to:

In this context, you should accompany your request with the necessary identification elements (name, first name, email) as well as any other information needed to confirm your identity. In case of doubt, the Atlanpole Mixed Syndicate may request a copy of your identity card in accordance with applicable regulations regarding personal data.

The DPO commits to considering the exercise of your rights promptly – and within a maximum period of 30 days from the date of receipt of your request or the date of receipt of proof of your identity.

Regarding your right to request deletion, the DPO will comply with your request unless the law or a legitimate reason requires the retention of certain Data.

In the case of an unsatisfactory response, you can file a complaint with the National Commission on Informatics and Liberty (CNIL): or by postal mail to: Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés (CNIL) – 3 place de Fontenoy, TSA 80715 – 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07.



The Atlanpole Mixed Syndicate reserves the right to amend this privacy policy at any time, particularly in accordance with current laws and regulations. In the event of a substantial modification of this policy, the Atlanpole Mixed Syndicate will ensure that you are informed as soon as possible.



For any information request, you can send an email to:

Additional information is available in the legal notices of the Site [].

For more information on personal data, you can visit the CNIL website:


Updated: June 2024